Progstone - From Loneliness (Unplugged Live)


Progstone performing acoustic live "From loneliness" from Bleu Lézard, 25 November 2015. "Unplugged" released in March 2016. In response to public request, Progstone will slip into acoustic mode from now on. This third opus reached its maturity on stage. Recorded and mixed in Roystone Studio in Charrat (CH) and masterised at Globe Studio in Bordeaux (F), this album sends a message which is much more peaceful but no less deep. Acoustic guitars, cajon, cello and violine accompany pure and true vocals. Far from losing their soul, Progstone dares new arrangements and original compositions to add a touch of originality and sensibility to its grunge spirit. Progstone,rock,Unplugged,Live,swiss rock

Progstone, rock, Unplugged, Live, swiss rock
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